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Skip This Part Exit from HelpMoreBackExit from About About...doneOK.Copying file:/ To drawer:0 Enter the complete pathname of the new drawer you wish to make. An icon for the new drawer will also be created unless you select otherwise.1*Enter the Complete Path of New Dirctory:2Change Destination3 Destination Drawer to Copy to:6Help with Copy Files7Help with Choice Selection8Help with Option Selection9Help with Ask String:Help with Ask Number;Help with Insert Disk<(Please insert correct disk to continue!=Help with Ask Question>Selected Drawer?Help with Select Drawer@Selected FileACurrent DrawerBHelp with Select FileC(Installation of %s has been completed.DLInstallation complete! %s can be found in your "%s" drawer (or partition).E,(The installation log file is named "%s".)FWorking on installation...GHelp with ConfirmHVersion to install: %ld.%ldI&Version currently installed: %ld.%ldJ*There is no currently installed version.KProceed With InstallLSet Installation ModeMWelcome to the %s installation utility. Please indicate how the installation should proceed (based upon your knowledge of the Amiga computer).N Help with Set Installation ModeOLog all actions to:PInstallation OptionsQ(Welcome to the %s installation utility.RHelp with Additional SettingsSModify Startup-Sequence FileTSelect Another FileUProceed with ChangesVFile being modified:W"Help with Change Startup-SequenceXAN ERROR HAS OCCURED!Y DOS Error Type: Z Sorry... an Error Has Occured![Please confirm...\ - Press 'Esc' to Abort]Valid range is %ld to %ld`Proceed with CopyPlease insert your boot disk into the drive you booted from and then click on "Proceed". If the disk is already in the drive, just click on "Proceed".X The file "%s" is protected from deletion. Can the file be deleted and/or overwritten? Skip FileDeletext You will need to select a "User Level" for the installer to continue. The different levels are as follows: NOVICE USER: In this mode the installer proceeds entirely automatically, and will not ask you to make any decisions. However, this mode is only recommended for Amiga computers that are not extensively customized, as some of the assumptions made by the program are only valid on a "stock" Amiga. You may still be requested to insert disks or perform other actions. INTERMEDIATE USER: The installer will allow you to make major choices, such as where to install the application, but will not bother you with the minor details of copying files, creating drawers, etc. EXPERT USER: In this mode you will be asked for confirmation of each step of the installation process (although in some cases several steps may be combined into a single confirmation). In addition, you will have greater control over where installed items are placed. In addition, there are several buttons at the bottom: "Proceed with Install" indicates that you have chosen a User Level and that installation should proceed. "About..." gives information about the installation program, such as copyright information, version number, author, etc. "Abort Install" means that you have changed your mind and do not wish to install the application at this time. "Help..." brings up this text. Explanation of controls: "Install for Real" -- This will cause the installer to actually carry out the installation. "Pretend to Install" -- In this mode, the installer will go through all the steps of the installation, except that it will not make any permanent changes. You can use this option to get a "preview" of what the installer will do before it actually does it. You can also use this in combination with the "log file" options below to get a complete list of what happened during the rehearsal. "Printer" -- This will cause a list of all installation actions to be printed out on the printer. "Log File" -- This will cause a list of all installation actions to be written to a log file. You will be informed of the location of this file when the installation finishes. You can use a text editor to read this file. "None" -- When this option is turned on, no log file will be produced. In order for this product to run correctly, a number of special commands need to be executed by the "Startup-Sequence", a file of commands which is executed each time your Amiga computer boots up. A line needs to be inserted into your Startup-Sequence to run these commands. The command to be inserted is "Execute S:User-Startup". This command will execute a script file called "S:User-Startup" (which will be created if it does not already exist). This file will contain all the special commands needed by this product. In addition, any other product that uses the Amiga Technologies Installation Utility will also store its startup commands in the "S:User-Startup:" file in the future. Explanation of controls: The scrolling list box shows your startup sequence. This installer has already selected what it believes is the best place to insert the new command. If for some reason you feel that the installer has chosen incorrectly (which is certainly possible with a highly customized system), then you may select a new file and installation point. The text box shows the name of the script file to be modified. To select a different file: Select the "Select another file" button. The file you select should be one that is executed once each time you boot up and is not executed at any other time. To select a new insertion point: Clicking on the scrolling list will cause the insertion point (labeled "insert here") to be moved to the new point. "Proceed with Changes" indicates that you are satisfied with the point of insertion, and the command should be inserted into the file. "Abort Install" indicates that you wish to abort the installation process. "Help..." brings up this text.Select File To Modify,(Explanation of controls: The large "scrolling list box" in the center displays the contents of the currently selected disk or directory. Drawers will be indicated by the word "DRW" in inverse block letters in front of the Drawer name. The name of the disk or directory being viewed is shown below it in a raised outlined box. Beneath that, in another raised outlined box, is the name of the file which is currently selected. To the right is a slider which can be used to scroll through the list, in case there are more names than will fit into the window. You can change the selection either by typing a new drawer name into the "Current Drawer" text box, or by typing a new file name into the "Selected File" text box, or by clicking on the names of drawers and files in the scrolling list. The button "Parent Drawer" will allow you to view the drawer that contains this one, in other words the "Parent" of the currently visible drawer. The button "Show Drives" will show a list of all the disk drives in your system. You can then click on a drive name to view the contents of that drive. The button "Proceed" indicates you are satisfied with the currently selected file. The button "Abort Install" will abort the installation. No further changes will be made. "Help..." brings up this text. Select New Destination DrawerExplanation of controls: The large "scrolling list box" in the center displays the contents of the currently selected disk or directory. Drawers will be indicated by the word "DRW" in inverse block letters in front of the Drawer name. The name of the disk or directory being viewed is shown below it in a raised outlined box. To the right is a slider which can be used to scroll through the list, in case there are more names than will fit into the window. You can change the selection by typing a new drawer name into the "Current Drawer" text box, or by clicking on the names of drawers in the scrolling list. The button "Parent Drawer" will allow you to view the drawer that contains this one, in other words the "Parent" of the currently visible drawer. The button "Show Drives" will show a list of all the disk drives in your system. You can then click on a drive name to view the contents of that drive. The button "Make New Drawer" will allow you to create a new drawer. The newly created drawer will appear inside the directory that is currently being viewed. The button "Proceed" indicates you are satisfied with the currently selected drawer. The button "Abort Install" will abort the installation. No further changes will be made. "Help..." brings up this text.lhExplanation of controls: The file to be installed may or may not be replacing an older version. The display shows a comparison between the currently installed version and the new version that will replace it. The destination drawer that the file will be copied to is also shown. The button "Proceed with Copy" will cause the file to be copied to the destination drawer. The button "Skip this part" causes the installer to proceed to the next section. The file will not be copied. The button "Abort Install" will cancel the installation with no further changes made. "Help..." brings up this text.rnExplanation of controls: The raised box shows a list of file or drawer names. Each name has a checkmark next to it. If you want the file to be copied, then leave the name checked. An unchecked name will not be copied. The box labeled "Destination Drawer to copy to:", just beneath the listing of names shows the drawer to which the items will be copied. The button "Proceed with Copy" will cause all the files or drawers which are checked to be copied to the destination drawer. The button "Skip this part" causes the installer to proceed to the next section. None of the items listed will be copied. The button "Change Destination" will allow you to select a new destination. You can use this to copy the items somewhere else. The button "Abort Install" will cancel the installation with no further changes being made. "Help..." brings up this text. Once you have inserted the requested disk, you should select "Proceed". If you cannot find the disk, or wish to abort the installation for any reason, then select "Abort". Once you have filled in the text box, you may select "Proceed" to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select "Abort". Once you have filled in the number box, you may select "Proceed" to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select "Abort".Explanation of controls: Each of the raised buttons represents a choice which you may make. The button that is selected represents the currently choice. You can change the choice by selecting one of the choice buttons. Only one selection may be chosen. Once you are satisfied, select "Proceed" to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select "Abort".~zExplanation of controls: Each of the checkboxes represents a option which you may make. A checkmark in a box represents a currently selected option. You can change options by clicking on the checkboxes. Once you are satisfied with the selected options, select "Proceed" to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select "Abort". Select "Proceed" if you want the new drawer to be created. Select "Skip This Part" if you do not want the drawer to be created. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select "Abort".Create icon for drawer*'Novice User - All Actions Automatic 0,Intermediate User - Limited Manual Control *'Expert User - Must Confirm all actionsInstall for RealPretend to Install Printer Log FileNone"Are you sure you want to abort?^[The "User-Startup" file located in the "S:" drawer is used to store specific commands that some applications need executed at system boot. You are being asked to confirm that this file can be edited. Select the "Proceed" button to confirm, otherwise select the button labeled "Skip This Part". You can also abort installation by selecting "Abort".Unable to access the printer.*Problem with writing to transcript file.Unable to access the printer.4&Problem with source file/drawer "%s"5Problem with file "%s"a"Can't examine file or drawer "%s"b"File or drawer "%s" doesn't existcCan't make assignf2Unable to perform operation -- not enough memoryuCan't open drawer "%s"vCan't open file "%s"w&Problem with file "Startup-Sequence"xError writing file "%s"yError was of an unknown type.z"Error reading text include file!{ Couldn't create directory "%s"|Couldn't copy file "%s"}&Tried to create drawer over file "%s"~Can't set execute path"Couldn't find command to executeARexx not availableCan't duplicate lockCan't read "%s" fileError in writing "%s" file(Bad parameters for copying from drawerInvalid drawer nameCan't open a window."Can't open install script's icon.Can't find partition. Unable to open transcript file.Unable to open script.Unable to initialize system. Can't open needed libraries.!"Can't get Workbench information._String too longdDivision by zeroe%s: Result string too long>******* Installation Log ******* User Level: %s Pretend: %s " User made a new drawer: "%s". #Copy file "%s" to "%s". $(Copy contents of drawer "%s" to "%s". %"Ask Choice: User selected "%s". &(Ask Options: User selected no options. '2Ask Options: User selected following options... (Ask String: Result was "%s". ) Ask Number: Result was "%ld". * Ask Question: Result was "%s". +6User changed Copy Files destination drawer to "%s". ,Ask Drawer: Result was "%s". -Ask File: Result was "%s". ^6*** Global error -- executing onerror statements *** gUser aborted! hScript aborted in line %ld. i%s in line %ld. jCreate New Directory: "%s" kinstall_log_file(Amiga Application Installation Utility6 Copyright 1990-1996 ESCOM AG. All Rights Reserved. USAGE: Installer [SCRIPT] filename <[APPNAME] name> <[MINUSER] level> <[DEFUSER] default> <[LOGFILE] logname> <[LANGUAGE] language> Bad ArgumentCan't find needed ROM font.2Unable to compile script. 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